We've been having a lot of bbq's, and some not so fun times, with drunk family members, and fights, and lovely introductions to the police force. HAHA No arrests tho. Whew! We've had a nice summer, and now it's time to get back to school. I like the fact that I am off at 3 so that I can go get the kid from school and we have the afternoon to just hang out, do homework etc.. I'm glad it's still going to be light later in the evenings for a while longer, because it's been pretty toasty and warm so we are outside a lot.
With the close of summer, it's nice to be able to start anticipating trips to the desert. The kid is VERY excited to do that.. She loves her quad. Trying to get to the river this weekend for the holiday so she has one more fun trip before school starts but it's proving to be a trying experience, and rather difficult. Might have to stay home (save money) and go to the street faire and listen to some music and eat some of the BEST food like ever. If ya'll are in town, you really should go check it out! http://orangestreetfair.org/index.php
Anyway, that's all for now, just the everyday goings on in my life... woo hoo.
Take it easy.. Later