Tomorrow is back to court. Yay.. (laced heavily with sarcasm).
We went last month, where I turned in pages and pages of everything going on etc... and he showed up with no lawyer. Seems he got dropped. Quelle Horreur. NOT! It was bound to happen. Anyway, seeing as he had no lawyer he played stupid and said he didn't know HOW to turn in the requested papers that he needed (with over a month to FIND HELP, WHATEVER LOSER). So the "sub" judge that day decided that we needed to go back to mediation and that the kid needed to as well, and let's all meet back "tomorrow". I put in my papers for her to see him every other Saturday 8 am - 8 pm. That's it. Since she HASN'T seen him since last year, she's on HONOR ROLL. She's not stressed about him, she concentrates on her homework and DOES IT etc... I see no need for week day visits just so he can yell at her... again. Now, after she went to her mediation and told me what she said to the lady, I don't THINK he'll actually get any because even when he sent the sheriff to my house, to make her go see him, the sheriff said "We can't make her go, you have a good night" and left. So... we'll see what they say.
Found out a good friend of mine is going to be divorcing. He left her, no reason why nothing. Just "I'm done". I personally can understand that, because that was me when I left. I was DONE. Seems he's lied and there is someone else, after repeatedly denying it. Long story short, caught him. And what's worse, it's a friend of Hers. :'( So, spending time with her, doing what I can to be supportive. And I have court tomorrow for my own crap. Easter is next weekend, and we were invited to go the Havafew for it. (Not taking the boat out tho). We decided to go (yesterday) and today I thought about it, they will be gone, so bug and I can be home this weekend and NOT have to do anything for anyone. We can go to the community breakfast with the Easter Bunny and just do "our thing" and talk and get back to some kind of "normal", together. Whatever that is.
Sometimes you don't realize you're actually drowning when you are trying to be everyone else's anchor