Thursday, March 1, 2012

Frustrated Parent..

Ok so last night, I posted this on G+: 
"You do everything you can to be a good parent... To be the BEST parent you can be to your child. You teach them trust and the dangers and damages of lies. WHY for the love of God don't they listen?! It is soo frustrating and I don't know that I'll ever live up to the Good parenting standards. I was a good kid I had pretty high hopes that I would be a good parent. But I think there's only so much I can do and they make their own choices. They have to suffer the consequences but so do I. Live and learn I guess."
In that vein, of trying to be a good parent, I finally accepted that SOMEHOW thru osmosis or something, Dano has been gifted my wonderful trait of PROCRASTINATION.  oh. goody.  One of the things she HAS to do at school to maintain good grades is umm....  READ.  Now, I LOVE to read.  She must have inherited the lack of desire of reading from her dad.  Anyway, so she has to read like 3 books a trimester to keep her grade up.  I said TRIMESTER.. so like THREE months..  well, today was the cut off to get all the books in and tested to see how well you did.  So what did Dano do?  STARTED her book yesterday morning before school.  REALLY!?!  She stayed up late last night to keep reading it, and this morning at 8:10 she called me to tell me she finished it..  300+ pages.   Ok, I am skeptical.  But, we'll see.  She told me she will sneak out and text me whether or not she passed the test for the book.  IF she does, we get to celebrate at Spunky Steer's and have a couple nice Steaks and potatoes for dinner... (Which I REALLY want.. )  but if she doesn't pass, she's grounded for like a month.  I hate this part of parenting. I wish it was fun time all the time.  Anyway, back to the post I did last night.  So she's in counseling with a Psychologist.  And last night she had a meeting with her, and her dad was there too.  I was informed when she got home, that she was not honest with the counselor BECAUSE he was there, and she didn't want to cause upset with him, so answered the questions the way she thought he wanted to hear.  THAT PISSED ME OFF.  I've told her REPEATEDLY to TELL THE TRUTH.  There are consequences for NOT doing that which she is going to learn really quickly.  Not only is SHE going to be upset, I will too because she knew better.  So I called the counselors office to inform them of this, and requested that she meet alone with her again, ASAP to clear the air.  I hope that will work, and I hope Dano learns that she can't keep doing this.  Hurting someone with the TRUTH is far better than lying to them to keep them happy.  They will eventually find out the truth and that could be devastating.  :( 

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