Friday, December 6, 2019

A little help..

Hey y'all.  Right quick, my Navy brat is just that.  A Brat. So that what her name is in my phone now. She is graduating from "A school" next month and her rank will be Petty Officer 3rd Class. Proud of her.  Then she starts Power School, not sure how long that is, over a year I know that.. Then Prototype School I THINK that's on a ship or a sub, again, not sure... seems I don't have clearance for that Clarence.   Anyway, I've started a new blog, since I'm workin for myself now.  I'm hoping those of you that are following this one, might be kind enough to take a look over yonder at that one.. if you are so inclined to help a sista out.  You know, call it a Christmas present?  Here's the link: and there's some photos of some offroading after thanksgiving and stuff..  

AND I'll leave you with a nice little recipe for Christmas..  Love to All!!!

(Mind you, I peed my pants a little, I was laughing so hard)

Christmas Whiskey Cake
1 cup butter2 cups sugar6 large eggs2 teaspoons baking powder3 cups flour, sifted1/2 t. salt1 cup bourbon1 pound pecans, chopped3 cups white raisins (or use candied fruit)1 t. nutmegAND~ a very LARGE bottle of bourbon whiskey ~
First, sample the whiskey to check for quality.Assemble all of the ingredients. Check the whiskey again.To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.Repeat this step.Turn on the electric mixer and beat one cup of butter in a largefluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar and cream until beat.Make sure the whiskey is still okay... try another cup.Turn off the mixer. Beat six leggs and add to the bowl,Then chunk in the cup of dried flut. Mix on the tuner.Throw in two quarts of flour. Gradually pour in the cow.Add 2 dried anything.If the fried druit gets struck in the beaters, pry it loose witha drewscriver. Sample the whiskey and check it again for tonsistency.Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Who cares???Check the whiskey again.Now sift the nutmeg and strain your nuts. Add one table.And the spoon. Of whiskee. Or something. Whatever you find left.Grease the oven.Turn the crake pan to 350 degrees. Don't forget to beat off the turner.Pour the oven into the batter. Throw the bowl out the window.Lick the batter off the floor.Bake 300 minutes at 50 degrees.Finish the blobble of whishy and flow to bed.
Merry Holidays!

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