Friday, November 14, 2008

Good News..

So Went to the dr yesterday for another xray.  Seems that falling the other day at work "reset" the breaks in my leg, and they are aligned VERY well now..  Imagine that.  Weird.  LOL.  So, since all that, I decided that I need one of those casts that are hard.. like when you break your arm.  No more of that stupid soft cast that seemed to be more dangerous to me.  So, with this new hard cast, I am able to sleep better, and more comfortably since it's not so bulky.  Oh, and I made sure it was black.  Tried to get it like Black and Gold for my Steelers, but no gold.  So it's just black, kinda glad, now no one can write on it.  HAHA.  So 3 weeks, and then it comes off, get an xray and see if I can start walking on it.  I'm pretty stoked today.  Progress.  The blood clots are just about gone I guess, because I can't feel that "pain" anymore.  Yay.  Blood thinners still suck tho.  And, today I am going to the Chiropractor. I think my back is sooo jacked up it's gonna take years to fix, but hopefully with an adjustment today, I may be heading on the road to less pain.  I hope.  It's killing me.  Wish me luck.  Oh, and have a great weekend!!

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